World Bowls has launched a two-year strategic plan with the aim of halting the decline in membership, expanding the sport into new markets, and growing the number of member nations.

The World Bowls Strategic Plan 2023-2025 aims to make bowls an internationally recognised sport with values of accountability, integrity and collaboration, and innovation.

The plan identifies four strategic priorities to work on – leadership and collaboration, building value, telling our story, and growing the sport.

“Leadership and collaboration” looks to lead bowls in the Olympics Advisory Group to work towards achieving Olympic and Paralympic recognition.

“Building values” primary goal is to explore the creation of a World Bowls Premier League to increase the sport’s visibility and grow commercial opportunities.

A new brand strategy and updates to World Bowls’ marketing and communications platforms underlines “telling our story”.

Finally, “grow the sport” will see the organisation review its membership offer, target and recruit new countries as members, and prepare a diversity and inclusion plan.

The latter comes with a commitment to grow women’s and under-represented groups participation in all areas of bowls.

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Photos courtesy of World Bowls

Courtesy Inside The Games