The Australian Sports Industry
CAS is committed to supporting our National Sporting Organisation’s, striving to achieve outcomes in areas of need for the sport industry and broader community; and, to promoting the huge contribution that Sport makes to our nation.
The Confederation of Australian Sport partners for maximum impact with a diverse range of carefully chosen organisations who share our values and commitment. We embrace the opportunity to cross-promote the excellent work of our partners and kindred organisations to maximise the benefits for the Australian community.
Our advocacy activities focus on improving the quality of policy and generating greater resources to support Australian sport. While CAS is particularly focused on issues of national importance that impact the sporting environment in an overall sense CAS is also committed working on issues that are of concern to specific sections within Australian sport. We combine grassroots feedback and top-level research to form an evidence-based lobbying agenda. We develop our advocacy campaigns by reaching out to National Sporting Organisations and other industry stakeholders and interest groups through surveys, focus groups, cross-sector forums and other means.