A groundbreaking initiative aimed at curbing energy consumption and carbon emissions is on the horizon for Surf Life Saving clubs throughout Australia. Commencing on June 26th, the program will debut at Point Leo and North Bondi Surf Life Saving Clubs, eventually expanding to encompass an additional seven locations spanning NSW, Queensland, and Victoria. Zero Positive, an emission reduction program, lends its support to this ambitious undertaking.

Thanks to financial backing from the Surf Life Saving Innovation Fund, the program will enable SLSA to decrease energy expenses, thereby redirecting funds towards their core mission of safeguarding lives nationwide.

To gauge the energy and fuel consumption of the clubs, a comprehensive assessment will be conducted utilizing digital metering, internal surveys, education initiatives, analysis, and reporting. Both the North Bondi and Point Leo clubs will install digital meters this week, with Zero Positive responsible for collating and analyzing the subsequent data over the following month. This data will inform the formulation of an action plan designed to establish targets for carbon emission reduction and activate cost-saving opportunities across the country.

A carbon literacy educational program will be implemented for staff members, volunteers, and stakeholders to aid the clubs in minimizing, certifying, and offsetting their carbon emissions.

John Baker ESM, President of Surf Life Saving Australia, attributes the drive to reduce the organization’s carbon footprint to the dedication of the 190,000 members of Surf Life Saving Clubs nationwide.

“We take great pride in spearheading a project focused on carbon emission reduction, as it allows us to promote sustainable practices and diminish our organization’s carbon footprint. We extend our gratitude to the donors of the Surf Life Saving Innovation Fund for their generosity, which made this initiative possible.”

This endeavour marks the third project funded by the newly established Surf Life Saving Innovation Fund.

“The Surf Life Saving Innovation Fund empowers our cherished community members to contribute to the cause by presenting innovative ideas that address real challenges,” explains John Baker ESM.

“The Innovation Fund offers our donors specific projects where they can direct their contributions, providing them with a clear understanding of the impact their support has on our mission.”

Read the full article here.

Photo Courtesy Surf Life Saving Australia

Courtesy Surf Life Saving Australia